Aesthetic Clinic Advertising

Aesthetic Clinic Advertising

In today’s modern society, where attention to beauty is increasingly growing, what leads to the success of an aesthetic clinic? Perhaps the best answer to this question is the quality of a clinic’s services. But how can one expect everyone to be aware of the quality of services a clinic provides? This is where Aesthetic Clinic Advertising gains special importance.

Advertising is crucial for any business. Nowadays, advertising allows us to introduce our business and showcase various portfolios, thus attracting customers. Advertising directly affects the revenue generated from the business and therefore has always been given special attention.

Advertising for aesthetic clinics is one of the most important factors in attracting customers and increasing the revenue of aesthetic clinics. In this article, we will get to know more about the advertising space and review which environments are effective and beneficial for advertising your aesthetic clinic. Stay with us until the end.

Offline Advertising for Aesthetic Clinics

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Offline advertising refers to traditional methods of promotion that can include advertising on television, radio, print advertisements, etc. As evident, these advertisements do not require the internet, and thus are termed offline.

Although most businesses today prefer to use online advertising, offline advertising still has its impact and should not be overlooked. Given that the number of competitors in offline advertising has decreased compared to previous years, you can use offline advertising as a trump card! Below, we will explore the most important offline advertising methods suitable for aesthetic clinics.

Creating Business Cards

Creating Business Cards

For years, the use of business cards has become a common method for advertising. Although the use of business cards has declined over the years with technological advancements, this method still garners interest from many individuals.

These cards, though small and simple, have a remarkable impact. The advantages of using business cards for advertising a clinic include:

  • Easy access
  • Affordable and cost-effective
  • Quick dissemination of information at a glance

Distribution of flyers and brochures

Distribution of flyers and brochures

Another effective and common method that plays a significant role in attracting local customers is the use of brochures and advertising leaflets. While using flyers and brochures may seem like a simple advertising method, there are important aspects to consider for attracting customers:

Target Market: Initially, it’s crucial to ensure that the flyers reach the right people. If you provide laser services and eyebrow transplants at your beauty clinic, you should know that most of your clients will be women. Therefore, it is advisable to predominantly distribute flyers and brochures to women.

Flyer Distribution Location: For better results, flyers should be distributed in appropriate locations to reach the target customers. For instance, the best places for promoting aesthetic clinics through flyers and brochures include near gyms, large malls, universities, etc.

Use of Advertising Billboards

Use of Advertising Billboards

Advertising on billboards is another effective method for attracting customers. People spend many hours daily on the streets and stuck in traffic, and with a bit of creativity, you can draw their attention to your advertising billboard.

However, keep in mind that billboard advertising is not common for beauty clinics and also involves significant costs. Nevertheless, if you have the necessary budget for using an advertising billboard, it’s advisable to utilize this advertising method to promote your clinic and familiarize the public with it.



Sponsoring various events is a very suitable advertising method. This approach allows you to directly interact with people and play a role in selecting your target market. By demonstrating your goodwill at various events (especially charity-related events), you can promote your clinic and attract customers.

Using Promotional Gifts

Using Promotional Gifts

If you want your aesthetic clinic to remain in the minds of customers for a longer period, it is advisable to use appropriate gifts for promoting your business. Giving gifts not only attracts customers but also creates a positive feeling and trust, making your clinic memorable.

For example, if you gift your customers a cream with your aesthetic clinic’s logo, every time the person uses the cream, they will think of your clinic. Furthermore, if someone else uses the cream, they might become curious about your aesthetic clinic, which can be another way to attract new customers.

Word of Mouth Advertising

Word of Mouth Advertising

One of the advertising methods in which you do not directly participate is word-of-mouth advertising. In this method, people talk about your clinic with others after using your services. By improving the quality of your services and maintaining proper customer relations, you can leverage this to your advantage.

However, keep in mind that for word-of-mouth advertising to be effective, some time should have passed since your clinic opened, and various people should have used your services.

Advertising in Newspapers and Magazines

Advertising in Newspapers and Magazines

It might seem that nowadays, fewer people are using newspapers and magazines, and advertising in them may not be as effective as before. However, it’s interesting to know that newspapers and magazines still have their specific audiences.

Many believe that newspapers and magazines are not suitable for advertising aesthetic clinics, which means fewer competitors in these media. Therefore, do not overlook advertising in local newspapers and magazines! A good option for advertising your aesthetic clinic could be in fashion, lifestyle, or wellness magazines since their readership often aligns closely with your target audience.

Online Advertising for Aesthetic Clinics

As the name suggests, online advertising encompasses all marketing methods that use the internet. Nowadays, due to its numerous advantages, online advertising has become very popular and is utilized by both startups and large businesses.

Online advertising is popular due to its cost-effectiveness, easy accessibility, and lack of limitations on distribution. Most people initially check a business’s online pages and website to learn more about it and decide on using its services based on feedback from others who have used the business.

In the following, the best online advertising platforms for aesthetic clinics will be reviewed.

Advertising on High-Traffic Websites (web-based advertising in popular sites)

One of the cost-effective and efficient methods in online advertising is advertising on high-traffic websites. Nowadays, using the internet and various websites to find answers to questions has become a common method. You can attract many customers by advertising on popular websites that share a similar target market with yours.

Advertising on various websites is very common, so you need to be more creative in your advertising. For instance, using phrases like discount, gift, free services, etc,….. can attract customer attention.

Some free sites for advertising include:

  • Sheypoor advertising site
  • Divar advertising site
  • Ad placement site
  • Istgah advertising site

Content Marketing for the Website

One of the methods that has gained a special place in online advertising in recent years is content marketing for websites. It is advisable for you to design a website and create content for your aesthetic clinic. Having a dedicated website where you can introduce yourself and your clinic’s services, and also showcase your portfolio, is very important. A website is one of the most important and safest platforms for your presence online.

By producing content on your website and displaying portfolios, you assure customers that your services are genuine and that you have a competitive edge in the market.

However, it’s best not to focus solely on direct advertising on your site and also use content that engages your audience. Paying attention to SEO principles in article writing ensures that your site ranks better on Google compared to your competitors. We recommend that you entrust the design of your website to experts in the field.

Advertising on Social Media

Advertising on social media is probably the most accessible and effective advertising method available today. Access to smartphones is much easier than before, and nearly everyone, from children to the elderly, uses these digital tools. With a bit of creativity, you can quickly establish your place on social media and attract customers.

Social media advertising has a range of pricing. If you are creative and can manage the advertising of your clinic, you might not need to spend much. However, if you want to be a leader among competitors, you might need to consider a different approach.

To attract customers on social media, you need to follow certain principles. Drawing inspiration from viral videos and posts is one of the best ways to attract an audience. You can also attract many customers by hosting contests and offering discounts on clinic services.

Advertising on Instagram

Instagram is a highly suitable platform for promoting your business. Nearly everyone follows the Instagram page of a business to learn about its services, comparing portfolios and reading reviews to make informed decisions.

Advertising on Instagram varies in price. For example, using celebrities or influencers is a common strategy to attract customers but can be costly. You can also target pages followed by your audience, such as lifestyle, beauty, and wellness pages. But don’t worry, with some creativity and effort, you can gradually increase your customer base. Just follow Instagram algorithms and use features like Reels and Stories to attract new viewers.

Advertising on Telegram

Advertising on Telegram has become a common method in recent years. You can pay a popular page’s admin a specific amount to display your advertisement for a set period (typically 12 or 24 hours, or even permanently).

It’s better to have a dedicated Telegram channel for your clinic so that people clicking on your ad are directed there.

Advertising on Video Sharing Websites (Aparat, Tamasha, YouTube, etc.)

Many people today do not have the time to read lengthy texts and prefer to get their information through videos or audio files. Thus, advertising on YouTube and Aparat is suitable for your business. This method requires expertise, so it is advised to consult a professional. You can either produce content for your page or advertise directly on these platforms.

SMS Marketing

Hundreds of promotional texts are sent daily, and people might delete them before even reading. Although SMS marketing is still used, it has lost popularity over the years.

If you decide to use SMS for advertising your clinic, make sure your first sentence grabs the customer’s attention to continue reading. Your SMS should be brief but provide enough information about your clinic. It’s common to include a specific link directing people to your main website or social media page.

Banner Advertising on Websites

You’ve likely encountered banner ads while browsing various websites. People typically use high-traffic websites to advertise their businesses. In this type of advertising, you can use a brief text or a unique image that captures the reader’s attention. Those who click on your ad will be directed to your website, where you can provide more detailed information about your services.

One of the advantages of website banner ads is that you can track the number of people who have clicked on your ad, potentially improving your site’s search engine ranking. However, be aware that this method can be costly and may not be suitable for clinics just starting with advertising.

Cost-Per-Click Advertising (CPC)

Another method of advertising on various websites is cost-per-click advertising. This is part of banner advertising, where your text or image is displayed on a website, and you pay a fee for each click. This method is economically viable and commonly used for advertising aesthetic clinics.

Some of the best local sites for CPC advertising include Yektanet, Tapsell, Part Click, Novin Site, and more.

Advertorial (Reportage Advertisement)

One effective method for promoting your business is using advertorials. Nowadays, many people dislike direct advertisements and tend to avoid them, so advertorials are an excellent way to engage these audiences.

An advertorial is any advertisement written in the style of an article or important news piece, though it is well-structured and aimed at promoting a business or product. This advertising method is particularly suitable for promoting aesthetic clinics.

Advertising on Google Ads

Many people use Google as a reliable source for information, making Google Ads a very suitable method for promoting your business. This method typically displays your business to the target audience, resulting in better feedback.

Benefits of this advertising method include quick audience engagement, introducing people to your business and brand, and the ability to measure advertising results.

Implementing Google Ads campaigns and other pay-per-click advertising campaigns requires an expert with sufficient knowledge in the field. You can hire a Google Ads specialist or outsource the project.

Advertising on Discount Voucher Sharing Websites

Using sites that offer discount codes, like Takhfifan, is another excellent way to promote your aesthetic clinic. You can attract customers with a substantial discount on one of your services, such as laser treatments, placing your clinic in the view of people searching for your services on these sites. This strategy can lead to an increase in customers.

Registering Location on Google Maps

Another indirect method of promoting your aesthetic clinic is registering its location on Google Maps or navigation apps like Balad and Neshan. Nowadays, many people do not have the patience or time to visit clinics far from them. Thus, one of the best methods for these people might be using navigation sites or apps to find the nearest clinic.

A major benefit of advertising on Google Maps is that many people use this platform, and many of your competitors may not have registered their location there. Thus, by registering your location on Google Maps, you can attract targeted customers at no cost.


As discussed throughout the article, advertising is essential for the progress of a business. If you are planning to establish your clinic and are looking for appropriate advertising methods, we introduce you to Pickup Sarmayeh. As mentioned, advertising for aesthetic clinics is crucial and requires expertise.

Pickup Sarmayeh, with six years of experience in consulting and establishing aesthetic clinics and having set up over 200 clinics nationwide, is ready to serve you. One of the crucial steps after opening your aesthetic clinic with Pickup Sarmayeh is planning your clinic’s advertising. We at Pickup Sarmayeh, with a good understanding of this profitable business, will introduce you to the most effective advertising methods to ensure you experience the best outcomes.

For free consultation, you can visit our contact page, fill out the form, and wait for a call from Pickup Sarmayeh’s consultants. You can also follow our Instagram page for more information.

Contact Number: 021-91099190

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